NEA Part 7- location information

NEA Part 7 - Locations

The purpose of this task is for you to assess and identify the locations you're going to use for your photography/video.

TASK 2 - Write a short introduction about what this post is all about...use the small sentence above to get you started.

In this task i will be presenting information about the locations of which i will be taking photos in for my brief.. although i may use pictures my idea is to have a mature-animated type theme throughout the magazine which i will design at home. 

TASK 3 - Produce images for each of the locations you intend to use and place them in the blog.

You need to include the following information about them:

  • Address.
12 Kershaw Close, Chafford Hundred
  • What makes this location suitable?
enough space to design the cover and produce the end result.
  • What risks/hazards does the location have that could potentially make your work difficult?
There are no hazards in this location that could make my work difficult.


You can use any software you like... you could use a table in Word or PPT or you can use more advanced digital technology such as Padlet, Flash cards (quizlet or Goconqr) and/or Popplet.


TASK 4 - Write a conclusion that highlights what you've learnt during this task and how you're going to use this knowledge in your own production.
in this task i gathered all of the information about the places i will be shooting my media from


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