6 March 2019
NEA 30 hours
- K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR.
- U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent.
- BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent.
- CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication.
Further guidance:
- You must not reproduce an existing media product or brand.
- Group productions are not permitted but you can use your friends and others to act in, or appear in, the media production. In addition, un-assessed learners and others may operate lighting, sound, recording and other equipment under your direction if required.
- To make it simple... these briefs are individual. You can use other people to help you but make sure you end up doing all the technical tasks (photography, filming, editing, etc). You're NOT required to be in-front of the camera in your own production.
For my NEA, i chose brief one. i chose this brief because i have had practice forming newspapers and/or magazines and enjoy photography as one of my hobbies. i intend to develop my Photoshop skills as well as designing skills and the skills needed to write a newspaper.
TASK 4 - Create a mind map of initial ideas for the product in your chosen brief. You may use popplet, padlet or other technology to record this.
Key information required in your mind map:
- Potential name for the production.
- Potential names of people you might work with.
deana tusik
- Potential target audience for the production. The brief already gives you an idea but you need to be more specific.
children aged 10-12
- to cover gender, race, interests and socio-economic status.
- Ideas for type of content - types of scenes, characters, artists, narrative, interviews, etc.
- Ideas for type of images and shots.
- Ideas for mise-en-scene for each of the images, video shots (colour scheme, locations, props, make up, hair, etc).
- Ideas for types of representations and stereotypes you might include in your production.
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