
Showing posts from March, 2019


Wednesday, 20 march 2019 NEA Part 2 - Intertextuality Research I ntertextuality simply means creating one text in reference to another.   Intertextuality can also happen when the content of one media text makes reference to another. Intertextuality is not always obvious. References can only be recognised if you know what  they are referring to.  There are also cultural, social and linguistic limitations. TASK 2 - WRITE A SHORT INTRODUCTION EXPLAINING WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THIS TASK. In this task i will be researching and getting a deeper understanding of intertextuality and how it is applied in different forms of media texts. i will be using my research to start thinking as to how i can use intertextuality in my chosen brief.  TASK 3   –  Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen.   How and why is  intertextuality  employed in 2 media...

NEA Part 1 - Media Language and Representations Analysis.

Wednesday, 13 March 2019  Post 1  –    How is  media language   used in 2 media products to create meaning through constructing  representations   and following   genre  conventions ? Instructions: If you chose to do Brief 1: Choose TWO front covers and TWO double spread articles from educational magazines                 Magazines: Layout Typography Use of language Use of images Key concepts you need to use in your analysis: Media language. Stereotypes (positive/negative). Age, gender, race, nationality. Questions to help you with your analysis: Describe the main characters/people in the media products... E.g. Gender, Age, Race. There will be both a boy and a girl on the front cover. they will both look like young teens so that the children reading the magazine will be able to relate to them. The boy will be brown and the ...


6 March 2019  NEA 30 hours  LEARNING OBJECTIVES K: The requirements for each of the briefs set by OCR. U: How to approach the chosen brief, including writing the statement of intent. BAT: Choose a brief and start planning what to write in the statement of intent. CO: Use media terminology (all areas of the theoretical framework) in your written and verbal communication. -------------------------------- Further guidance: You   must not  reproduce an existing media product or brand. Group productions are not permitted  but you can use your friends and others to act in, or appear in, the media production. In addition, un-assessed learners and others may operate lighting, sound, recording and other equipment under your direction if required.  To make it simple... these briefs are individual.  You can use other people to help you but make sure you end up doing all the technical tasks (photography, filming, editing, etc)....