Wednesday, 20 march 2019 NEA Part 2 - Intertextuality Research I ntertextuality simply means creating one text in reference to another. Intertextuality can also happen when the content of one media text makes reference to another. Intertextuality is not always obvious. References can only be recognised if you know what they are referring to. There are also cultural, social and linguistic limitations. TASK 2 - WRITE A SHORT INTRODUCTION EXPLAINING WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO IN THIS TASK. In this task i will be researching and getting a deeper understanding of intertextuality and how it is applied in different forms of media texts. i will be using my research to start thinking as to how i can use intertextuality in my chosen brief. TASK 3 – Choose 3 different media texts... as long as they link to the brief you've chosen. How and why is intertextuality employed in 2 media...