
Showing posts from July, 2019

NEA Part 9- Schedule.

Tuesday, 23 April 2019 NEA Part 9 - Schedule The purpose of this task is for you to identify potential production dates and try to stick to them. TASK 2 -  Create a calendar that highlights your chosen production/photography/filming dates and activities.  May 2019 Media planning  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 research day 2 hours  in lesson Take photos 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 hours in lesson 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2 hours in lesson 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 hours in lesson nea part 6 26 27 28 29 30 31 2 hours in lesson June 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Media studies Design 2 hours eDOFE ...

NEA Part 8- Casting.

TASK 2 -  Write a short introduction to the post describing what you intend to achieve.   In this task i will be identifying the actors/models/groups of people of which i want to use in my product. --------------------- TASK 3 -  Create a profile for each of your models including the following information: Name of actor/model What makes this person suitable? Why did you choose this person I will not be including models into my production

NEA Part 7- location information

NEA Part 7 - Locations The purpose of this task is for you to assess and identify the locations you're going to use for your photography/video. TASK 2  -   Write a short introduction about what this post is all about...use the small sentence above to get you started. In  this task i will be presenting information about the locations of which i will be taking photos in for my brief.. although i may use pictures my idea is to have a mature-animated type theme throughout the magazine which i will design at home.  TASK 3  -  Produce images for each of the locations you intend to use and place them in the blog. You need to include the following information about them: Address. 12 Kershaw Close, Chafford Hundred What makes this location suitable? enough space to design the cover and produce the end result. What risks/hazards does the location have that could potentially make your work difficult? There are no hazards in this location...

NEA Part 6- Product profile.

TASK 2  - Write an introduction to the task that combines the learning objectives into a short paragraph. In this task I will be creating sketches that i should mirror what i want to and will create in my production. i believe that sketching is essential because it gives me a physical representation of what i want to do with all my ideas. i can then decide if i like it or not and also see if there is anything that i'd like to change.  --------------------------------- TASK 3 - PLANNING PART 1 If you're doing the Magazine and Website task: Produce up to 3 different sketches of each of the pages you need to create.  These sketches should show a development journey from initial ideas to a final one. You need to gain feedback from peers about each of your designs as you produce them and improve these according to relevant feedback.  YOU NEED TO MAKE A RECORD OF THIS FEEDBACK. For Example... Draft 1   "The draft 1 above is for my magazine front cover. ...